Monday, September 22, 2008

Blog Entry #2: Vacationing Morale...

...and in his eyes I knew he was the one. As he leaned closer to me with his mouth curved into a sultry smile, I moved closer to him in turn. His mouth was a breadth away from mine, but then he pulled back and screamed...

"FUCK! I SPILLED MY FUCKING DRINK ALL OVER ME!" The words split into my skull, and roused me from my sleep at... Did the clock seriously say it was only 2:38 AM...? I pushed myself out of my half-sleep stupor to pry open the curtains and glower down at my fellow residency occupants while they scrambled around drunkenly; laughing and merry-making. I shut my window, essentially ignored the raucous laughter and found myself back into blissful sleep with my handsome stranger.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzz! The ungodly hour of 7:3o AM. I felt as though I hadn't gotten any sleep during the night, and I now had to somehow drag my ass out of bed and get ready for my nine o'clock class of the awe-inspiring English Literature For Our Time. Now a woman getting ready in the morning greatly differs from a man's routine, as if that's not obvious. Now, my routine differs from everyone elses on the face of the earth.

Let me break it down:
I groan and fuss with the blankets to turn off the annoying alarm clock, meander half-dead into the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth... Pretty normal so far? Well, here's where it gets messy. I turn on my laptop, poke through some of my iTunes, and play the most upbeat annoying song that I can find... And dance. That's right. Dance. I dance doing my makeup, my hair, putting on clothes, making my bed. I dance through it all!

Ten minutes later, I'm entering the chattering classroom and immediately spot the only vacant desk. Remember the mystery girl against SFB's arm? Yeah, well she was there beside the vacant left-handed desk seat, and conveniently SFB himself. Frantically, I searched around but the class was strangely full to the tee. So I found myself seated uncomfortably at the front of the class in this awkward situation.

I received a few friendly hellos. A concerned, "Are you feeling better?", from an acquaintance but I was initially ignored by SFB, since his seat was not next to mine this time around.

My Prof, bless her, is the type of woman that tends to ramble on and on to the point of redundancy. Her lessons consist of going over everything eight times more than necessary. No jokes. No witty comments. No interesting notations. We read, re-read, and read again a select few paragraphs from The Eternal Frontier. After that, we settled down into a close-reading assignment, of which I'm sure I annhiliated any chance of a good mark due to my rustiness on writing in essay format.

At exactly 1o:oo, I burst through the doors without so much as a backwards glance to the torture chamber from Hell. I skirted down the hall, and practically flew to the Dining Hall. I wasn't hungry, but I knew in the back of my head that SFB and mystery girl would show up and for the life of me I didn't want to be eating breakfast on my own because that'd just give them the initiative to sit with me. Like I wanted that.

Banana and Fresca in hand, I was just about to leave when a handsome stranger who lived in the same residence community as me, strode over to say, "Hello." By sheer coincidence, of course. My handsome stranger offered to have breakfast with me, and despite my better judgement, I accepted.

Right on cue, the curtains shimmy open and SFB shows up with mystery girl in tow. It was right when my handsome stranger and I were debating over a vat of sushi that didn't look exactly edible.
"I wouldn't eat it. It's terrible. Heh..." Jests SFB as he walks by, straying for a few seconds as if he wants to have a conversation. Unfortunately for him, my handsome stranger "inadvertantly" ignores him. We decide better on the sushi, anyways, and seat ourselves by a scenic window. My banana was delicious, as always, and after discussing the Russian alphabet with my handsome stranger, we decided it best to head off.

I'm standing up.
I'm leaning forward to grab the leather straps of my bookbag, and in my peripheral vision I can see SFB's gray t-shirt.
As I turn to push my chair back in, my eyes meet his. Green clashing against brown, only there was a hint of something else in those green depths...
Of course, I ignored my intuition and strolled right out of the dining hall without, again, a backwards glance.
And now I sit and wonder, what did that mean?!

Ding Dong: "Awe. :) Someone met a boy. :)"
Not one smiley, but two!. Jealous? Curious? Pleasantly surprised? Sometimes I get a feeling that I over-analyze everything... The only part of that that bothers me is that even though I try, almost everything that comes out of my fingers revolves around someone I'm trying to not have anything revolve around.

The next night, party night, was fog-ridden and moist. Beyond the dew-painted rooftops, I could hear a distant murmur of music. Or rather, I should say, the hum of the bass. My mind, sloshing around and doing the waltz in my head, barely registers that my companions are with me.
Nothing like a drink to forget my woes!

[Confession to alcoholism? No... Not there yet!]

Together, with my head detatched, my companions and I meandered down the snaking path like conjolling zombies drawn to a wayward human as moths to a flame. Only, we were headed towards a residence house party, that we wanted to bust and dance our ways into.

The party was fairly typical, as far as parties go; too many drunk people crammed like sardines in a single room and pouring out into the streets, while trying to dance somehow in the over-crowded space. The prodominant gender of this populace was: Male. So the impending situation shouldn't have come as a surprise to me.

I was making my way across the house to find one of my friends located in the backyard. The only thing between us was the gaggle of dancing, drunken men. Somehow, I managed to dance my way on through. The door was in sight! As I almost reached the door, though, I felt someone brush against my behind. Looking over my shoulder, I catch a flash of a white smile, and hooded eyes. Definitely not an expression one of my companions would've worn.
Luckily, Companion #1 slid in between us and crotch-blocked the guy.

My night of false-frivoloty ended with me falling asleep, squished into a wall on a too-small bed with my companions. [And no, nothing happened. Sickos...] When I woke up, I was treated to the most adorable sight. They were curled up, sleeping like two ginormous babies. Luckily I wake early, so I had time to brush my teeth and wash my face before they even had time to think of how awful I look in the mornings! Safe---!

The rest of the weekend flew by, and I found myself immersed back into a freezing cold Monday morning. Only this time, I made damn sure that I was so early I got the bloody seat that I wanted. A right-handed one, too! And while I read The Labyrinth by Kate Mosse, SFB and his entourage pull in. His cavalry situate themselves after he settles down on the desk beside me. Small talk commenced, and then we lapsed into silence while the Prof began her incessant ramblings on Thesis Statements.

"See you later." I said, as I practically flung myself from the room. I barely heard his reply. To be honest, I'm not sure why I rushed off like a bat out of Hell. I'm going to be an English major, not a Psychologist. And I certainly wouldn't recommend a self-analysis! The results may vary.

Ding Dong: "Do you have a class right now?"
Reply: "Yes, I have a class from 11:oo - 1:oo."
Ding Dong: "Oh damn. I was wondering if you wanted some breakfast."

So sue me. I fled from the dining hall just as quickly as I had with the classroom. My excuse: Starbucks withdrawl. Of course, this was a blatant lie. I could barely taste my Caffe Mocha. I need a resolution. I can't let the little Devil on my shoulder to cloud my judgement any longer! [And maybe the little Angel will return from Tahiti...] I will assert myself. I am my own woman, with a good head on my shoulders...

Ding Dong. "Hey, up for a game of scrabble?
Reply: "Of course. Come on over."
Okay, so I'm a weak individual. I just keep digging my hole further. If I continue, I'll be in the depths of Hell with my bad decision making! However, the night consisted of my whooping some ass--- by 65 points --- and trying to man my hormonal fortress simultaneously. It didn't help that he:
A) Came dressed in casual, practically nightwear clothes. [Easily removeable.]
B) Kept making double entendres
C) Tickled me after losing so, so utterly miserably...

After being questioned about the party on Friday, and what my friends and I did, while trying to fend off being kissed... Somehow I managed to assert myself, since this benefit with friends is doing my head in. Seriously, migraines are not fun! SFB agreed hesitantly, but decided to use his more important head, and not the one between his legs. Then basically fled the scene. Really, the sequence of events could be summated into five points.
-LadyLarkspur 1 ~ SFB 0
-Attempted cuddle
-Rejection / Establishing platonic standings

It just may be time to consider new angles on all of this... If only the Angel on my shoulder would return from vacation.

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