Thursday, October 30, 2008

Blog Entry #3: Abandoned by the Spirit of Festiveness! Trick-Or-Treat?

It's been a while. I suppose you could say that I've almost abandoned this entire enterprise! Fear not, I have a method to my madness and recklessness. It directly coincides with being lazy, but we'll keep that hushed for now.

So, how to summarize an entire month's worth of events and of course, gossip. Being that the duration is a little spread out, and my memories of anything beyond yesterday are a little vague, I think I'll just have to forget about it all for the most part and just continue where I left off with only a minor update.

As for the happenstances of my life, the key highlight would be that I, almost entirely, dropped the whole SFB shenanigan. This resulted from the constant lack of interest in terms of remaining in contact, and keeping a promise of "making it up to me". Failing that, I now only see him in my English Literature class, and breakfast because of a mutual friend issue. And! In all of this there is a positive outcome: I'm cured of all spite!

Then all that's left is the minor social events, the constant studying, the upheaval of my love-life, and the staggering fact that I am almost dirt-poor. If dirt were a means of currency, then I'd be rich. Unfortunately, my debit machine doesn't accept barrels of dirt. Thusly, I'm pretty much at the ends of my financial run. But that's okay! Because when you've hit rock bottom, it forces you to be more creative. I've certainly had a boost on the right-hemisphere and let me tell you... The creative juices are a'flowin'.

That almost sounds gross...

I've thought of various ways that I could make money; like my idea to sell dirt in jars labelled as from different areas in Canada. Unfortunately, most of them fell through. [ie: I don't have the money to purchase said jars.] And most of them were scams anyways... Pan-handling is illegal, isn't it? Oh well, I'll just deal with what I've got and like it somehow.

Onto something equally as disturbing as being poor: Mid-terms. The bane of my existence, [I'm sure I'll be saying the same thing about Finals] and the devil in disguise! For the last week, I'm pretty sure I haven't had a book out of my hands save for going to the bathroom. That would be un-cool. So far, I've made it through the first two without an anxiety attack, and I actually think I did well on both. You never know, though. So I'm keeping my confidence in these two academic achievements to a minimum.

Up next: Art History
Where? 1080 Lecture Hall
When? Noon
I'll bring my guns, and we'll square off when the sun is at it's peak. Bring your cowboy hat, leather chaps, and spurs...

Lady Larkspur vs. Mid-term

In upcoming events, Hallowe'en has drawn near. While I've made minor major efforts to establish a costume [devil horns... and that's all], I'm not really looking forward to the festivities. The past few years, the necessity of Hallowe'en beyond lighting a candle in my window, has been seriously down-graded to eating ice cream with candy corn in it and watching an assortment of rented DVDs. It's a real [personal] shame, as out of all the holidays it's my third favourite. Christmas and Thanksgiving [due to the food] are my favourites.

Festive spirit, where hath thou gone?! I've been abandoned by the Spirit of Festiveness!

Tonight is apparently Devil's Night. My windows are thankfully egg-free, this time around. The significance of throwing eggs at people's windows, or toilet paper-ing their trees has always been lost to my knowledge. I understand it's something to do with trickery. Ha-ha, what a hilarious commodity to the joke-days on our calendars. Second only to April Fool's. Both of which are lost on me. Lost, lost, lost...

There's supposedly a huge party going on tomorrow night in my area of residence, but I'm not very keen on the idea of going. Sure, sure... I'll probably make an appearance, but the fact that most [if not all] of the parties I've attended the end result was being sardined in a house full of drunk people either making fools of themselves and not remembering the next day, or dancing grinding and making-out/practically commencing in the act of making babies. This occurs on a 50/50 basis. And then there's me, sort of standing there mute and astonished while trying to make conversation with the most sober people in the party. This is unfortunate, because the most sober usually equals the minors. Eighteen year olds... Sigh...

"Hello, there."
"Enjoyin' the partay?"
"Oh yes... Immensely."
"Haha, you're funny... And cute... Want to... Go... To my... Place?" Wagging of the eyebrows.
"..." Stare.
"Take that as a 'No'."

Some may refer to me as shrewd, some may call me frigid, some may even result to derogatory/curse words/terms. The reality is that the slander may just be true, but I have this little pet peeve that probably irks some people's unattended morals. I prefer to be in love when I commence in the act of making babies. My heart is too big to hop into the one-time-fling limosine, so I prefer to take the rickety-ride on my life-partner wagon with the square wheels. Call it what y'want. It's how I roll.

"Trick-Or-Treat?", asks the little voice in my head. Well, I guess you could say that Hallowe'en has become more trick, than treat. For me, at least. I can only hope that people haven't followed in my shabby example of festive spirit. I've worn it out, and left it in shambles in my figmental garbage bin where the Easter Bunny lives...

Hopefully by Christmas I'll have regained the blessing of my Festivity Spirit. [And maybe win the lottery...]

Happy Hallowe'en